API 5L LSAW Pipes supplier and manufacturer

API 5L LSAW Pipes are available in the welded category as well. The above category covers pipes in LSAW i.e. Longitudinal Seam. API 5L LSAW is available in the following grades i.e. API 5L GR B, X42, X46, X52, X56, X60, X65, X70, X80, X100, and X120. This is one of the superior categories of welded pipes and is a preferred option when clients are selecting welded pipes. Below Process is used in the manufacturing of LSAW pipes:

1) UT okay Plates are cut to the size of the required dimensions.
2) Plates are then formed into a U shape using a U-press and subsequently into an O shape using an O-press.
3) Longitudinal edges of the plates are then tack welded followed by internal and external welds using appropriate Weld-Filler.
4) Pipes manufactured by this process are subjected to expanding operation in order to relieve internal stresses and obtain a perfect dimensional tolerance.
5) After the pipes are conveyed to cold expansion, UT Testing for the Weld will be done, the pipes will be subject to final inspection.